Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Why Buyers Are Skeptical

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  June 24, 2014

Why Buyers Are Skeptical

Wonder why there are so many skeptical buyers out there? Because there is too much smoke and mirrors in the thought leader segment. Too much selling the dream and too little practicing what we preach.

Examples from both ends of the spectrum: an expert getting out of your comfort zone uses past stories to make his point. But when the next level of business growth required some stretching, he stops. Someone speaking on change hits a rough patch; then steps up and changes everything about their business. Guess which one I’m betting on?

My take: Everyone has enough past experience out there to talk a good game. So experienced buyers watch what you do now and compare that with what you tell others to do. If the two are aligned, you get respect. If they are not, you get ignored.

The marketplace follows thought leaders who take their own advice first. Not just in the past but right now while you are growing. So the next time you have an opportunity to do something you tell others to do…take it. It is only then that you can have a meaningful conversation about what the journey is really like.


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